Diagnostic Tools
Displaying the Configuration File
The complete switch configuration is contained in a file that you can browse
from either the web browser interface or the CLI. It may be useful in some
troubleshooting scenarios to view the switch configuration.
CLI: Viewing the Configuration File
Using the CLI, you can display either the running configuration or the startup
configuration. (For more on these topics, see appendix C, “Switch Memory
and Configuration”.)
Syntax: write terminal Displays the running configuration.
show config Displays the startup configuration.
show running-config Displays the running-config file.
Web: Viewing the Configuration File
To display the running configuration, through the web browser interface:
1. Click on the Diagnostics tab.
2. Click on
3. Use the right-side scroll bar to scroll through the configuration listing.
Listing Switch Configuration and Operation Details
The show tech command outputs, in a single listing, switch operating and
running configuration details from several internal switch sources, including:
Image stamp (software version data)
Running configuration
Event Log listing
Boot History
Port settings
Status and counters — port status
IP routes
Status and counters — VLAN information
GVRP support
Load balancing (trunk and LACP)
Syntax: show tech