1. Ifyouhavenotalreadydoneso,connecttotheswitch,andloginasadmin,asdescribedin
Connect to the Command Line Interface.
2. Issue the switchDisable command.
All Fibre Channel ports on the switch are taken offline. If the switch was part of a fabric, the fabric
To enable:
1. Ifyouhavenotalreadydoneso,connecttotheswitchandloginasadmin as described in
Connect to the Command Line Interface, page 25.
2. Issue the switchEnable command.
All Fibre Channel ports tha t pass the Power-on Self Test (POST) are enabled. If the switch has
interswitch links (ISLs) to a fabric, it joins the fabric.
Disabling and enabling a port
To enable a port:
1. Connect to t
he switch and log in as admin as described in
Connect to t
he Command Line Interface, page 25.
2. Issue port
enable portnumber where portnumber is the port number of the port you want
to enable.
To disable:
1. If you have
not already done so, connect to the switch and log in as admin as described in
Connect t
o the Command Line Interface,page25.
2. Issue por
tdisable portnumber where portnumber is the port number of the port you
want to disable.
Using Dynamic Ports On Demand (DPOD)
DPOD functionality does not require a predefined assignment of ports. Port assignment is determined by
the total number of ports in use as well as the number of purchased ports.
In summary, the DPOD feature simplifies port management by:
• Automatically detecting HBA connected server ports or cabled ports
• Automatically enabling ports
• Automatically assigning port licenses
To initiate DPOD, use the licensePort command, as described in DPOD commands,page28.
For the Brocade 8Gb SAN Switch, DPOD works only if the server blade is installed with an HBA present.
A server blade that does not have a functioning HBA will not be treated as an active link for the purpose
of initial POD port assignment.
DPOD commands
Use the licensePort command to manage dynamic POD assignments with the following options:
• licensePort –reserve portnum reserves a future license assignment for a specific port, even if
the port is currently offline.
• licensePort –release portnum removes a license from a port.
• portCfgPersistentDisable blocks a specific port from future assignments.
• licensePort -show displays an overview of the POD license status and port assignments.
28 Setup