HP Palmtop PC User Guide - 129
receive over the Internet, so that unauthorized people will not be able to read it. It
also validates the originator and integrity of the information.
With security enabled, it takes slightly longer for Web pages to load. To avoid
this, you can enable security for those times when you most need it, for example
to make a purchase with a credit card, and disable it otherwise.
Pocket Internet Explorer provides, by default, three types of security: SSL2, SSL3,
and PCT. SSL2 and SSL3 are based on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
PCT (Private Communication Technology) is an enhancement of SSL technol-
ogy, offering an even higher level of security. Because different Web servers sup-
port different security types, it’s best to have all three options selected when you
want to use security.
To change security options
1. On the View menu, tap Options, and then tap the Advanced tab.
2. Tap the Security Settings button, and then select the check boxes of the
security types that you want to use or clear the check boxes of those that you
want to disable.
3. When finished, tap OK.
Specifying proxy servers
If you’re connecting to the Web using a remote access server (RAS) account, you
might need to use a proxy server. If necessary, obtain the proxy system address
information from your network administrator. Proxy servers usually are not re-
quired when connecting to the Internet with an Internet Service Provider.
Pocket Internet Explorer works only with proxy servers that comply with the
CERN proxy server standard. It does not work with ANS proxies or with servers
using SOCKS security.
To specify a proxy server
1. On the View menu, tap Options.
Working with Pre-Installed Applications