HP Palmtop PC User Guide - 161
Start Button 15
Start Menu 15
Stylus 3, 9, 22, 152
Stylus Ejection Button 3, 9
Synchronize Now 32
Time Zone 10
Time and Date 11
create, edit and sort tasks 64
mark 65
print 66
remove 65
start 63
view a category 63
working with reminders 65
Template 68
Transactions 154
Transferring Files 27
Appointment Data 42
Phone Book Data 43
reviewing Translation Status 47
Troubleshooting 138, 149
Undo 70
calendar 53
message list 115
PowerPoint presentations 85
saved Web pages 125
task categories 63
Voice Recorder
sending notes 28
start 101
adjusting 20
control panel 20
Web 29, 36, 109, 122- 129, 144, 151
Welcome Wizard 7, 9, 12
Windows CE 1.0, Windows CE 2.0 28
Windows Key 3
Windows NT 4.0 1, 13, 15
add, change font 72
close a document 69
create a bulleted list 71
create a new document 67
display all headings and body text 74
expand or collapse text 74
finding and replacing text or data 69
move or copy a selection 70
open an existing document or workbook 67
print a Pocket Word document 75
save a document or worksheet 68
set paragraph indentation 71
setting tabs 71
switch to Outline view 73
World Clock 10, 11, 28, 51, 133, 134, 150