Powering On and Off
Turning Off the System
Using SAM to Stop the HP-UX System
If you are using SAM, you might also want to use it to shut down your sys-
CAUTION: If you are using a local disk with the Model 744, do not turn off power to your
system without first shutting down the operating system software according
to the following procedure. Turning off the power for your system without
first doing the shutdown procedure may result in damage to data on your disk.
Always execute the shutdown process to completion first.
Follow these steps to use SAM to shut down your system.
1 Log in as root and type the following command, followed by
2 Choose Routine Tasks from the opening menu.
3 Choose System Shutdown.
4 The system provides you with the following choices:
• Halt the system. All currently executing processes except those essen-
tial to the system are terminated. Then the system is halted.
• Reboot (restart) the system. The system is shut down and rebooted au-
• Go to Single User State. The system is put in single-user mode
for administrative purposes such as backup or file system consistency
5 Exit SAM using the appropriate function key.
Using the Command Line
For guidance on entering HP-UX commands and using the HP-UX file sys-
tem, tools, and networking commands, see Using HP-UX. For more
advanced work with shell programming, see Shells: User’s Guide.