Model 744 Board Computer Overview
Manuals for System Information
Manuals for System Information
After you have completed the installation procedures in this book, you may
consult the following sources for further information:
• For HP-UX administration information, see HP-UX System Adminis-
tration Tasks.
• For a quick reference to commonly-used HP-UX commands, see the
appendix in Using HP-UX.
• HP VUE or CDE is the default interface for HP-UX. At some point,
you may want to interact with the Model 744 using CDE or HP VUE
via the LAN, with an X Window System display. As a simpler window
alternative, you can also use the X Window System by itself. All inter-
faces are included in HP-UX. For further information, refer to Using
the X Window System, Using HP-UX, CDE User’s Guide, or HP VUE
User’s Guide.
The following manuals are also useful:
• If you have not yet installed your HP-UX OS, see Installing HP-UX.
• For troubleshooting HP-UX, see Chapter 6 of this manual, and the
manual Solving HP-UX Problems.
• For VME configuration information, refer to the appropriate VME
manual for your operating system.
For information on using and configuring the HP VUE interface with HP-UX,
see HP VUE User’s Guide. For information on installing HP VUE, refer to
HP VUE Installation Guide.
For information on using and configuring the CDE interface with HP-UX,
see CDE User’s Guide. For information on installing CDE, refer to CDE
Installation Guide.