
130 Command Line Interface
(MS Groups)
Hexadecimal string that is encrypted by the Hash function for authentication
with MS group members. The string has the following lengths depending on
the Hash function:
MD5 hash: 16-byte
SHA-1 hash: 20-byte
(ISL Groups)
Domain ID of the switch to which to bind the ISL group member World
Wide Name. This option is available only if FabricBindingEnabled is set to
True using the Set Config Security command. 0 (zero) specifies no binding.
Table 34 Group member attributes (continued)
Attribute Description
Displays a list of all groups and the security sets of which they are members. This operand is
available without an Admin session.
members [group]
Displays all members of the group given by [group]. This operand is available without an Admin
remove [group] [member_list]
Remove the port/device World Wide Name given by [member] from the group given by [group].
Use a <space> to delimit multiple member names in [member_list]
rename [group_old] [group_new]
Renames the group given by [group_old] to the group given by [group_new].
securitysets [group]
Displays the list of security sets of which the group given by [group] is a member. This operand is
available without an Admin session.
type [group]
Displays the group type for the group given by [group]. This operand is available without an
Admin session.
Examples The following is an example of the Group Add command:
McDATA4GbSAN (admin-security) #> group add Group_1
A list of attributes with formatting and default values will follow
Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value
with exception of the Group Member WWN field which is mandatory.
If you wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list
press 'q' or 'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
Group Name Group_1
Group Type ISL
Member (WWN) [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00]
Authentication (None / Chap) [None ]
PrimaryHash (MD5 / SHA-1) [MD5 ]
PrimarySecret (32 hex or 16 ASCII char value) [ ]
SecondaryHash (MD5 / SHA-1 / None) [None ]
SecondarySecret (40 hex or 20 ASCII char value) [ ]
Binding (domain ID 97-127, 0=None) [0 ]
Finished configuring attributes.
To discard this configuration use the security cancel command.