Configuration Menu 192
Table 171 ACL Configuration Menu options
Command Description
egrport <port number>
Configures the ACL to function on egress packets. The egress
port ACL will not match a Layer 2 broadcast or multicast packet.
The egress port ACL will not match packets if the destination port
is a trunk.
action permit|deny|setprio <0-7>
Configures a filter action for packets that match the ACL
definitions. You can choose to permit (pass) or deny (drop)
packets, or set the 802.1p priority for the packets.
stats e|d
Enables or disables the statistics collection for the Access Control
Resets the ACL parameters to their default values and removes
the ACL from all ports to which it is assigned.
Displays the current ACL parameters.
ACL Ethernet Filter configuration
Command: /cfg/acl/acl <1-384>/ethernet
[Filtering Ethernet Menu]
smac - Set to filter on source MAC
dmac - Set to filter on destination MAC
vlan - Set to filter on VLAN ID
etype - Set to filter on ethernet type
pri - Set to filter on priority
reset - Reset all fields
cur - Display current parameters
This menu allows you to define Ethernet matching criteria for an ACL. The following table describes
the Ethernet Filter Configuration Menu options.
Table 172
Ethernet Filter Configuration Menu options
Command Description
smac <MAC address> <MAC mask>
Defines the source MAC address and MAC mask for
this ACL. For example:
00:60:cf:40:56:00 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:fc
dmac <MAC address> <MAC mask>
Defines the destination MAC address and MAC
mask for this ACL. For example:
00:60:cf:40:56:00 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:fc
vlan <1-4095> <VLAN mask (0xfff)>
Defines a VLAN number and mask for this ACL.
etype ARP|IP|IPv6|MPLS|RARP|any|0xXXXX
Defines the Ethernet type for this ACL.
pri <0-7>
Defines the Ethernet priority value for the ACL.
Resets Ethernet parameters for the ACL to their
default values.
Displays the current Ethernet parameters for the