Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite 3-1
Chapters 1 and 2 of this tutorial introduce the ADSP-BF548 processor’s
features that affect code execution: the memory hierarchy, instruction and
data caches, and internal voltage regulator. This chapter introduces the
I/O peripheral controllers and devices integrated with the processor and
accessible on the EZ-KIT Lite.
In this exercise, you will learn about the following concepts.
• Peripheral integration on the ADSP-BF548 processor
• Peripheral accessibility on the ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite
• VisualDSP++ software services and drivers for controlling and
using the peripherals
The chapter includes the following sections.
• “ADSP-BF548 Processor I/O Peripherals” on page 3-2
• “ADSP-BF548 Peripheral Interfaces on the EZ-KIT Lite” on
page 3-4
• “Using ADSP-BF548 Peripherals on the EZ-KIT Lite” on page 3-5
• “Example 4: Overview” on page 3-7
• “Example 4: Audio.c File” on page 3-8
• “Example 4: Running” on page 3-17