Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite 4-5
Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite As A Mass Storage Device
5. Calls
adi_dev_Control() again, this time in a loop, using the
driver signals that a USB host has enumerated and configured the
EZ-KIT Lite as a mass storage device.
6. Calls adi_dev_Control() for the final time, using the
ADI_USB_MSD_CMD_SET_BUFFER command to pass the address of a
data structure to the driver. Among other data, the structure
includes the address of a memory buffer that the USB software will
use (and reuse) while accepting and responding to commands from
the USB host. This is a non-standard use of the device driver
API—usually the data structures are passed dynamically between
the application and the driver in response to incoming or outgoing
data transfer events. An application that invokes the MSD driver,
however, takes no part in the actual data transfer; the alternative
means of passing the data structure is used instead.
7. Prints another message indicating that a USB host has successfully
recognized and configured the EZ-KIT Lite as a mass storage
8. Enters an idle loop, leaving the interrupt-driven mass storage
device driver and support software to accept commands from the
USB host and to access the EZ-KIT Lite hard disk.
Table 4-1. Example 5 Commands
Configuration Command Description
ADI_USB_MSD_CMD_SCSI_INIT Directs the MSD driver to initialize a subsystem that
responds to SCSI disk access requests from the USB
Supplies a USB vendor ID for the driver to use
Supplies a USB peripheral/class ID for the driver to