Common patch and temporary patch
• Common patches are those formally released through the version release flow.
• Temporary patches are those not formally released through the version release flow, but temporarily
provided to solve the emergent problems.
Common patches always include the functions of the previous temporary patches so as to replace them.
The patch type only affects the patch loading process. The system deletes all of the temporary patches
before it loads the common patch.
Patch status
Each patch has its status, which can be switched only by commands. The relationship between patch
state changes and command actions is shown in Figure 42. The patch can be in the state of IDLE,
DEACTIVE, ACTIVE, and RUNNING. Load, run temporarily, confirm running, stop running, delete, install,
and uninstall represent operations, corresponding to commands of patch load, patch active, patch run,
patch deactive, patch delete, patch install, and undo patch install. For example, if you execute the patch
active command for the patches in the DEACTIVE state, the patches turn to the ACTIVE state.
Figure 42 Relationship between patch state changes and command actions
Information about patch states is saved in the file patchstate on the flash. Do not to operate this file.
IDLE state
Patches in the IDLE state are not loaded. You cannot install or run the patches, as shown in Figure 43 (in
this example, the memory patch area can load up to eight patches).