To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Enter one or more AUX user
interface views
user-interface aux first-number
[ last-number ]
Specify the password
authentication mode
authentication-mode password
By default, the authentication
mode is none for modem users
Set the local password
set authentication password
{ cipher | simple } password
By default, no local password is
Configure common settings for
VTY user interfaces
For more information, see
“Configuring common settings for
VTY user interfaces (optional).”
When you log in to the device through modems after the configuration, you are prompted to enter a login
password. A prompt such as <HP> appears after you input the password and press Enter, as shown in
Figure 25.
Figure 25 Configuration page
Configuring scheme authentication for modem login
Configuration prerequisites
You have logged in to the device.
By default, you can log in to the device through the console port without authentication and have user
privilege level 3 after login. For information about logging in to the device with the default configuration,
see “Configuration requirements.”