File Name: 339674-1.doc Last Saved On: 8/14/03 3:54 PM
Local Port Operation 59
Broadcasting Mouse Movements
For the mouse to work accurately, all systems must have identical mouse drivers,
desktops (such as identically placed icons), and video resolutions. In addition, the
mouse must be in exactly the same place on all screens. Because these conditions
are extremely difficult to achieve, broadcasting mouse movements to multiple
systems can have unpredictable results.
Accessing the Broadcast Dialog Box
From the Main dialog box ("Accessing the Main Dialog Box" on page 41), click
Setup>Broadcast. The Broadcast dialog box is displayed.
Broadcasting Selected Servers
1. From the Broadcast dialog box ("Accessing the Broadcast Dialog Box" on
page 59), select the keyboard and mouse checkboxes for the servers that are
to receive the broadcast commands.