File Name: 339674-1.doc Last Saved On: 8/14/03 3:54 PM
72 HP KVM Server Console Switch User Guide
Click X or press the Esc key to exit the dialog box without running a
diagnostic test.
3. As each test is finished, a pass or fail symbol is displayed.
A passed test is indicated with a green circle, and a failed test is indicated by
a red X. The test is complete when the last test symbol displays.
4. (Optional) If you have any offline Interface Adapters, you can click Clear to
remove them from the list.
5. (Optional) If you have any suspect Interface Adapters, you can click
Display. The Suspect Interface Adapter dialog box is displayed.
Displaying Version Information
The Version dialog box ("Accessing the Version Dialog Box" on page 73)
enables you to view the HP KVM Server Console Switch versions, as well as
keyboard and mouse information for the currently selected server.