(Function mode 1) (Function mode 2)
Setting, change
Function Function Initialization display Initialization
Setting contents
No. name contents
19 F-26 Frequency LIMIT L 0000.0 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 120.0 The lower limit of the
lower limiter
(400) Hz to be set is set. When the lower
limiter setting limit is 0, the setting is invalid.
Frequency LIMIT H 0000.0 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 120.0 The upper limit of the
upper (400) Hz to be set is set. When the upper
limiter limit is 0, the setting is invalid.
20 F-27 Jump JUMP F1 0000.0 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 400 Hz • The section where frequencies
Jump frequency are to be jumped is set.
frequency setting (1) • Up to three locations can be
• When the number of locations
is 0, the setting is invalid.
Jump JUMP F2 0000.0 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 400 Hz
setting (2)
Jump JUMP F3 0000.0 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 400 Hz
setting (3)
Jump JUMP W 0.5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0 to 9.9 Hz • The frequency width where
frequency frequencies are jumped is set.
width setting
21 F-28 STOP key STOP-SW ON ON ON: STOP key Whether or not to make the
validity valid STOP key valid during terminal
selection OFF: STOP key running is selected. In the
during invalid Remote mode, the STOP key is
terminal always valid.
22 F-29 Running F/R SW FRE FRE FWD/REV/ FWD: Only forward run
direction FRE REV: Only reverse run
selection FRE: Both forward run and
reverse run valid
Reverse run F/R PREV OFF OFF ON/OFF Reverse run prevention
prevention ON:
selection OFF:
Reduced F/R RVS 6 6 0 to 6
soft start
23 F-30 Maximum F-MAX-L 120 Hz 120 Hz 120/400 Hz Maximum frequency switching:
frequency 120: 120 Hz 400: 400 Hz
24 F-31
Analog input
IN ANA 10 V 10 V 10/5 Input voltage maximum level
External voltage 10: Max. 10 V 5: Max. 5 V
analog selection
frequency External IN EXS 0000.0 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 120.0 (400) • Frequency at which the
command frequency external input starts
start setting
External IN EXE 0000.0 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 120.0 (400) • Frequency at which the
frequency external input is maximized
end setting
External IN EX%S 000% 0% 0 to 100 • Input start level
start setting
External fre-
IN EX%E 100% 100% 0 to 100 • Input maximum level
quency end
setting rate
External IN LEVEL 0 Hz 0 Hz 0 Hz/ExS EXS: Start at EX%S setting
command rate or less
start point