(Function mode 1) (Function mode 2)
Setting, change
Function Function Initialization display Initialization
Setting contents
No. name contents
6 F-05 Motor AUX M 123.60 mH
Rated capacity
0 to 655.35 • Primary self inductance per
Motor M setting
of each inverter phase.
constant constant
Motor AUX J 0.44 kgm
Rated capacity
0 to 655.35 • Motor and machine inertia
J setting
of each inverter
Motor AUX Kp 002.00 2.0 0 to 100.00 • Smaller: High response
constant • Larger: Low response
Kp setting
Motor AUX Ti 00100 ms 100 ms 0 to 10000 • Set this item after the
constant feedback option PCB is
Ti setting installed.
Motor AUX KPP 001.00 1.0 0 to 100.00 • Set this item after the
constant feedback option PCB is
KPP setting installed.
7 F-06 Accelera- ACC 1 0030.00 s 30.00 s 0.01 to 3000 • When the fuzzy most
Accelera- tion time suitable acceleration and
tion time setting deceleration (F-10) are set,
the time displayed here is
invalid, though it can be
2-stage ACC 2 0015.00 s 15.00 s 0.01 to 3000 • The acceleration time can
acceleration be used when the input
time setting terminal CH1 is shorted.
• For input terminal
selection, refer to F-34
input terminal.
Curve ACC LINE L L L (Linear), • The curve pattern is set for
pattern S (S curve), acceleration and
selection U (U curve), deceleration respectively.
for RU (reverse
acceleration U curve)
Accelera- ACC GAIN 02 2 (common to 1 to 10 • When the constant is set
tion and acceleration for one of acceleration and
deceleration and deceleration, it is common
curve deceleration) to both acceleration and
constant deceleration.
selection • See appendix 4.
8 F-07 Decelera- DEC 1 0030.00 s 30.00 s 0.01 to 3000S • When the fuzzy most
Decelera- tion time suitable acceleration and
tion time setting deceleration (F-10) are set,
the time displayed here is
invalid, though it can be
2-stage DEC 2 0015.00 s 15.00 s 0.01 to 3000S • The deceleration time can
deceleration be used when the input
time setting terminal CH1 is shorted.
• For input terminal
selection, refer to F-34
input terminal.
Curve DEC LINE L L L (Linear), • The curve pattern is set for
pattern S (S curve), acceleration and decelera-
selection U (U curve), tion respectively.
for RU (reverse
deceleration U curve)
Accelera- DEC GAIN 02 2 (common to 1 to 10 • When the constant is set
tion and acceleration for one of acceleration and
deceleration and decelera- deceleration, it is common
curve tion) to both acceleration and
constant deceleration.
selection • See appendix 4.