
(Function mode 1) (Function mode 2)
Setting, change
Function Function Initialization display Initialization
Setting contents
No. name contents
6 F-05 Motor AUX M 123.60 mH
Rated capacity
0 to 655.35 Primary self inductance per
Motor M setting
of each inverter phase.
constant constant
Motor AUX J 0.44 kgm
Rated capacity
0 to 655.35 Motor and machine inertia
J setting
of each inverter
Motor AUX Kp 002.00 2.0 0 to 100.00 Smaller: High response
constant Larger: Low response
Kp setting
Motor AUX Ti 00100 ms 100 ms 0 to 10000 Set this item after the
constant feedback option PCB is
Ti setting installed.
Motor AUX KPP 001.00 1.0 0 to 100.00 Set this item after the
constant feedback option PCB is
KPP setting installed.
7 F-06 Accelera- ACC 1 0030.00 s 30.00 s 0.01 to 3000 When the fuzzy most
Accelera- tion time suitable acceleration and
tion time setting deceleration (F-10) are set,
the time displayed here is
invalid, though it can be
2-stage ACC 2 0015.00 s 15.00 s 0.01 to 3000 The acceleration time can
acceleration be used when the input
time setting terminal CH1 is shorted.
For input terminal
selection, refer to F-34
input terminal.
Curve ACC LINE L L L (Linear), The curve pattern is set for
pattern S (S curve), acceleration and
selection U (U curve), deceleration respectively.
for RU (reverse
acceleration U curve)
Accelera- ACC GAIN 02 2 (common to 1 to 10 When the constant is set
tion and acceleration for one of acceleration and
deceleration and deceleration, it is common
curve deceleration) to both acceleration and
constant deceleration.
selection See appendix 4.
8 F-07 Decelera- DEC 1 0030.00 s 30.00 s 0.01 to 3000S • When the fuzzy most
Decelera- tion time suitable acceleration and
tion time setting deceleration (F-10) are set,
the time displayed here is
invalid, though it can be
2-stage DEC 2 0015.00 s 15.00 s 0.01 to 3000S The deceleration time can
deceleration be used when the input
time setting terminal CH1 is shorted.
• For input terminal
selection, refer to F-34
input terminal.
Curve DEC LINE L L L (Linear), The curve pattern is set for
pattern S (S curve), acceleration and decelera-
selection U (U curve), tion respectively.
for RU (reverse
deceleration U curve)
Accelera- DEC GAIN 02 2 (common to 1 to 10 • When the constant is set
tion and acceleration for one of acceleration and
deceleration and decelera- deceleration, it is common
curve tion) to both acceleration and
constant deceleration.
selection See appendix 4.