You cannot access the CD-ReWritable drive or the CD-ROM icon
does not display (OS/2).
Your CD-ReWritable drive device driver might not be loaded or
cannot be found. Before checking the CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, make a backup copy of CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT in a preferred directory.
1. At the DOS prompt:
a. Type x:copy CONFIG.SYS CONFIG.IBM where x is the
directory drive letter and press Enter.
b. Type x:copy AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.IBM where x is the
directory drive letter and press Enter.
2. From the OS/2 prompt open a text editor such as EPM or E. The
following instructions use the EPM editor. Type EPM
CONFIG.SYS and press Enter.
3. Check for the following device driver lines.
If these lines are not present, add them.
4. Save any changes and exit the CONFIG.SYS file.
5. Check that the device drivers are on the hard disk drive and in
the correct directory, as shown.
If the device drivers are not present, reinstall them. See the
README.TXT file on the IBM 2X/4X/24X CD-ReWritable Drive
Option Diskette for more information.
You cannot access the CD-ReWritable drive (DOS and Windows
3.x) or the CD-ROM icon (Windows 3.x) does not display.
Your CD-ReWritable drive device driver might not be loaded or
cannot be found. Before checking the CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files, make a backup copy of these files in a
preferred directory.
1. At the DOS prompt:
a. Type x:copy CONFIG.SYS CONFIG.IBM where x is the
directory drive letter and press Enter.
b. Type x:copy AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.IBM where x is the
directory drive letter and press Enter.
2. Use a text editor such as E or Edit. At the DOS prompt, type E
(or your editor name) CONFIG.SYS and press Enter.
3. Insert the following line at the top of the CONFIG.SYS file to
allow for more than five drive letters, if needed.
4. Check for the following device driver line.
Part 3: Appendixes 3-23