Additional technical support resources
Online technical support is available during the life of your product.
Online assistance can be obtained through the Personal Computing
Support Web site, the PSG Electronic Bulletin Board System, and the
IBM Automated Fax System.
Step 4: Placing the call to computer and BIOS
Use the following table for computer manufacturer information. For
manufacturers not in the table, contact your IBM reseller.
Use the following table for BIOS manufacturer information. For
manufacturers not in the table, contact your IBM reseller.
Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Canada 1-800-565-3344
U.S.A. / Puerto Rico 1-800-772-2227
AST 1-800-727-1278
Compaq 1-800-652-6672
Dell 1-800-624-9896
Digital 1-800-354-9000
Gateway 2000 1-800-846-2301
Online Technical Support
HP 1-208-323-4663
IBM Personal Computing Support
Web Site
IBM 1-800-772-2227
IBM PSG BBS 1-919-517-0001
NEC 1-800-388-8888
IBM Automated Fax System 1-800-426-3395
1-800-465-3299 (in Canada)
Packard Bell 1-800-733-4411
AMI 1-770-246-8645
Award 1-415-968-4433
Micro Firmware (Phoenix systems only) 1-405-321-8333
MR BIOS 1-508-686-6468
Phoenix 1-617-551-4000
3-30 IBM 2X/4X/24X CD-ReWritable Internal IDE Option Kit