Chapter 5. Setting configuration options 61
• If any of the field values contain a comma, it must be preceded by the escape character
back slash (\). For example, if the password field value is the string
“ibmnet,co\ol”, it is represented by the string “ibmnet\,co\\ol”.
• If any of the fields contain a back slash, they need to be preceded by another escape
character back slash (\). For example, if the usr field value is the string
“ibmnet,co\ol”, it will be represented by the string “ibmnet\,co\\ol”.
• If provided, the only values allowed for the run_first_enabled field are “true”
or “false”. If omitted, the value provided in the discovery schedule will be used. If
the discovery schedule also does not define this value, the default value provided by
the scheduler extension is used.
• If provided, the only values allowed for the run_always_enabled field are “true”
or “false”. If omitted, the value provided in the discovery schedule will be used. If
the discovery schedule also does not define this value, the default value provided by
the scheduler extension is used.
•If the cron_tab value is omitted, the value provided in the discovery schedule will
be used. If the discovery schedule does not define this value, the default value
provided by the scheduler extension is used.
The hosts file is the only mandatory parameter of the File Driven Discovery Service
Adapter. It is created manually by you, and the path to the file input to the Discovery
Configuration Wizard through the Network Pilot.
Configuring on-demand connectivity to devices
Netcool/Precision TN supports an on-demand connectivity feature to support large
networks. Netcool/Precision TN can be configured to remain connected to a specific device
for the duration of the configuration discovery process only, thus reducing both the
network traffic and the processing time dedicated to the device; this feature increases the
product scalability.
When configured in this manner, Netcool/Precision TN does not automatically establish
connectivity to a device when is created through a network discovery run, manually
through the Network Pilot, or at start up by use of the simple configuration policy process.
Packaging and configuration
This feature is delivered as part of the scheduler extension in the
lf-svc-scheduler.jar file. It must be added in the lfserver_ext_assembly.xml
configuration file, to be loaded with any other extensions.
The on-demand connectivity feature can be enabled for individual NETypes. The
NEPollingExtension parameter defines the
ne.polling.association.AssocControlledNETypes property whose syntax is a
set of comma separated NEType names. The on-demand connectivity feature is applied to
all the devices having a NEType specified in the above set.
If you want to disable this feature, provide an empty set (the default value.)