Appendix A. Reference 65
Table A1 on page 65 describes the properties in the precisiontn.xml file. The name
attributes are case sensitive and must be input exactly as they appear in the table.
Table A1: Properties in the precisiontn.xml file (1 of 3)
Netcool/Precision TN
Property and Syntax Description
Netcool TSM
Basic TL1 TSM
properties. These
properties are
applicable for TL1 TSM
customers only.
Defines the default path for the tl1.props
file. In a typical installation this would default
to $OMNIHOME/tsm/platform/tl1.props. If
a different location is required, set this
property using an absolute path, for example:
Netcool TL1
TL1 TSM NE connection
properties. This
property is applicable
for TL1 TSM customers
A hosts file describes TL1 NE connection
information. Netcool/Precision TN looks for a
hosts file as follows:
• If no value is set for hostsPath,
Netcool/Precision TN checks the
HostsFile property in the tl1.props
file for the hosts file location.
•If hostsPath specifies a hosts file location,
the HostsFile property in the
tl1.props file is ignored and this setting
is used.
•If both hostsPath and HostsFile
properties are empty, then
Netcool/Precision TN checks for the host
file in $OMNIhome/tsm/platform.
Netcool User
Netcool/Precision TN
to access ObjectServer
user records.
jdbcuser string This user name is used by TL1 TSM to create a
connection with ISQL access to the
Netcool/OMNIbus database. The default user
name is root.
jdbcpwd string This user password is used by TL1 TSM to
create a connection with ISQL access to the
Netcool/OMNIbus database. Default is null,
indicating no password.