Converting DB2 to Systems Managed Storage 81
• Translating and validating the ACS routines
• Generating test cases, to ensure updates to the ACS routines have the
desired effect
• Activating the new SMS configuration
8.5.4 Post Implementation
Once DB2 data sets are SMS managed, there must be an ongoing procedure for
maintaining the environment:
• Monitoring performance, availability, and accessibility
• Ensuring that DB2 data receives the correct level of service
The use of monitoring tools such as ISMF, Clists, and DFSMSopt can be used to
help achieve these goals.
DFSMS fast implementation techniques (FIT) is a process that supports the
customer in implementing SMS. The process was developed after working with a
number of DFSMS implementations, and provides a simple proven design that
leads to a successful SMS implementation within two or three weeks.
Most installations implement SMS on a phased basis. First, candidates such as
batch and TSO data may be targeted. Once some operational experience has
been gained, then other categories such as databases can be included.
With DFSMS FIT, a complete design can be developed, and then the
implementation can be phased in manageable portions. It uses a question and
answer approach for steps of the design process. The documentation includes
many samples of implementation, including jobs, coding, and procedures.
The process assumes IBM NaviQuest for MVS will be used for testing.
For more information on the implementation techniques, see the following
• Get DFSMS FIT: Fast Implementation Techniques, SG24-2568
• DFSMS FIT: Fast Implementation Techniques Process Guide, SG24-4478
• DFSMS FIT: Fast Implementation Techniques Installation Examples,
8.7 NaviQuest
IBM NaviQuest for MVS can be used in conjunction with DFSMS FIT. It is a
testing and reporting tool for the DFSMS environment, and is designed
specifically to work with DFSMS FIT. It provides the following facilities:
• Automatically test the DFSMS configuration.
• Automatically create test cases.
• Automatically test the ACS routines.