Managing DB2 Databases with SMS 55
Figure 18. ACS Routine Extract Using Table and Index Name Filter List
Table Space Name Codes
The DB2 table space and index space names contain a Storage Class code and
a Management Class code. These codes are used to assign the specific SMS
classes. Each table space and each index space can have distinct SMS classes.
The ACS routines do not need maintenance for new table spaces and index
spaces. This method is recommended when multiple requirements have to be
satisfied. This method provides the most detailed granularity for SMS
management and has limited maintenance concerns.
The names of DB2 indexes, including the SMS codes, must not exceed 8
characters. DB2 may change the index space name for indexes having names in
excess of 8 characters. The changed names may invalidate this method.
An example of how to structure DB2 data set names to use this method is shown
in 6.1.8, “Table Space and Index Space Names for SMS” on page 56.
An implementation example of this method is shown in Appendix A, section A.5,
“DB2 Table Spaces Using SMS, Coded Names” on page 174. In this appendix,
Figure 105 on page 176 and Figure 106 on page 176 show ACS routines that
assign Storage Classes and Management Classes based on codes within the
table space name.
/* Supply a list of the partitioned tablespaces
/* Supply a list of the partitioned indexes
WHEN ( (&DSN(4) = &PTSP OR &DSN(4) = &PNDX)
AND (&LLQ EQ 'A001' OR &LLQ EQ 'A002') )
WHEN ( (&DSN(4) = &PTSP OR &DSN(4) = &PNDX)
AND (&LLQ EQ 'A003' OR &LLQ EQ 'A004') )
WHEN ( (&DSN(4) = &PTSP OR &DSN(4) = &PNDX)
AND (&LLQ EQ 'A005' OR &LLQ EQ 'A006') )
/* Repeat the previous WHEN statement for as many STOGROUPs as reqd