Chapter 6. Copy Services 97
Persistent FlashCopy
Persistent FlashCopy allows the FlashCopy relationship to remain even after the copy
operation completes. You must explicitly delete the relationship.
Inband commands over remote mirror link
In a remote mirror environment, commands to manage FlashCopy at the remote site can be
issued from the local or intermediate site and transmitted over the remote mirror Fibre
Channel links. This eliminates the need for a network connection to the remote site solely for
the management of FlashCopy.
6.2.3 Remote Mirror and Copy (Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy)
The Remote Mirror and Copy feature (formally called Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy, or PPRC)
is a flexible data mirroring technology that allows replication between volumes on two or more
disk storage systems. You can also use this feature for data backup and disaster recovery.
Remote Mirror and Copy is an optional function. To use it, you must purchase the Remote
Mirror and Copy 2244 function authorization model, which is 2244 Model RMC.
DS6000 server enclosures can participate in Remote Mirror and Copy solutions with the ESS
Model 750, ESS Model 800, and DS6000 and DS8000 server enclosures. To establish a
PPRC relationship between the DS6000 and ESS, the ESS needs to have licensed internal
code (LIC) version 2.4.2 or later.
The Remote Mirror and Copy feature can operate in the following modes:
Metro Mirror (Synchronous PPRC)
Metro Mirror provides real-time mirroring of logical volumes between two DS6000s that can
be located up to 300 km from each other. It is a synchronous copy solution where write
operations are completed on both copies (local and remote site) before they are considered
to be complete.
Note: This function is only available through the use of CLI commands and not the DS
Storage Manager GUI at the current time.