132 DS6000 Series: Concepts and Architecture
8.3.1 Operating Environment License (OEL) - required feature
The user must order an operating environment license (OEL) feature, the IBM TotalStorage
DS Operating Environment, for every DS6000 series. The operating environment model and
features establish the extent of IBM authorization for the use of the IBM TotalStorage DS
Operating Environment. The OEL licenses the operating environment and is based on the
total physical capacity of the storage unit (DS6800 plus any DS6000 expansion enclosures).
It authorizes you to use the model configuration at a given capacity level.
Once the OEL has been activated for the storage unit, you can configure the storage unit.
Activating the OEL means that you have obtained the feature activation key from the IBM disk
storage feature activation (DSFA) Web site and entered it into the DS Storage Manager. The
feature activation process is discussed in more detail in 8.3.7, “Disk storage feature
activation” on page 137.
Table 8-1 provides the feature codes for the operating environment licenses for the DS6000
Table 8-1 Operating environment license feature codes
Licensed functions are activated and enforced within a defined license scope. License scope
refers to the following types of storage, and types of servers with which the function can be
Fixed block (FB) - The function can only be used with data from Fibre Channel-attached
Count key data (CKD) - The function can only be used with data from FICON-attached
Both FB and CKD (ALL) - The function can be used with data from all attached servers.
Some licensed functions have multiple license scope options, while other functions have only
a single license scope.
Table 8-2 provides the license scope options for each licensed function.
Table 8-2 License scope for each DS6000 licensed function
Feature code Description
5000 OEL-1TB
5001 OEL-5TB
5002 OEL-10TB
5003 OEL-25TB
5004 OEL-50TB
Licensed function License scope options
Operating environment ALL
Point-in-Time Copy (PTC) FB, CKD, or ALL
Remote Mirror and Copy (RMC) FB, CKD, or ALL
FICON attachment CKD