You can get sample code, internally-developed tools, and exits to help you use
RACF. All this code works
, but is not officially supported. Each tool or sample
has a README file that describes the tool or sample and any restrictions on its
The simplest way to reach this code is through the RACF home page. From
the home page, click on System/390 FTP Servers under the topic, “RACF
Sample Materials.”
The code is also available from lscftp.pok.ibm.com through anonymous ftp.
To get access:
1. Log in as user anonymous
2. Change the directory (cd) to /pub/racf/mvs to find the subdirectories that
contain the sample code. We'll post an announcement on RACF-L,
MVSRACF, and SECURITY CFORUM whenever we add anything.
Because the sample code and tools are not officially supported,
There are no guaranteed enhancements
No APARs can be accepted
The name and availability of the ftp server may change in the future. We'll
post an announcement on RACF-L, MVSRACF, and SECURITY CFORUM
if this happens.
However, even with these restrictions, it should be useful for you to have
access to this code.
To Request Copies of IBM Publications
Direct your request for copies of any IBM publication to your IBM representative or
to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
There is also a toll-free customer support number (1-800-879-2755) available
Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Mountain time. You can
use this number to:
Order or inquire about IBM publications
Resolve any Software Manufacturing or delivery concerns
Activate the Program Reorder Form to provide faster and more convenient
ordering of software updates
See the advertisement at the back of the book for information about the
Security Server (RACF) Information Package
In our environment, at the time we make it available
About This Book