Installation Considerations
Before installing a new release of RACF, you must determine what updates are
needed for IBM-supplied products, system libraries, and non-IBM products.
(Procedures for installing RACF are described in the program directory shipped with
the product, not in this book.)
Be sure you include the following steps when planning your pre-installation
Obtain and install any required program temporary fixes (PTFs) or updated
versions of the operating system.
Call the IBM Software Support Center to obtain the preventive service planning
(PSP) upgrade for RACF. This provides the most current information on PTFs
for RACF. Have RETAIN checked again just before testing RACF. Information
for requesting the PSP upgrade can be found in the program directory.
Although the program directory provided with the product tape contains a list of
the required PTFs, the most current information is available from the support
Contact programmers responsible for updating programs.
Verify that your installation's programs will continue to run and, if necessary,
make changes to ensure compatibility with the new release.
For more information, see Chapter 5, “Installation Considerations” on page 27.
Customization Considerations
In order for RACF to meet the specific requirements of your installation, you can
customize function to take advantage of new support after the product is installed.
For example, you can tailor RACF through the use of installation exit routines, class
descriptor table (CDT) support, or options to improve performance. This book lists
changes to RACF that might require the installation to tailor the product either to
ensure that RACF runs as before or to accommodate new security controls that an
installation requires.
For more information, see Chapter 6, “Customization Considerations” on page 35.
Administration Considerations
Security administrators must be aware of how changes introduced by a new
product release can affect an installation's data processing resources. Changes to
real and virtual storage requirements, performance, security, and integrity are of
interest to security administrators or to system programmers who are responsible
for making decisions about the computing system resources used with a program.
For more information, see Chapter 7, “Administration Considerations” on page 37.
2 OS/390 V1R2.0 Security Server (RACF) Planning: Installation and Migration