
The fourth attribute, the id attribute, is not required and can be dynamically calculated at request
time. By including this attribute in a url tag and setting it equal to a string, you are creating a
PageContext variable named with the string you supply.
The end of the url tag is indicated by a closing tag tag that follows the last attribute’s closing tag:
The Anatomy of a JSP
This section defines the JSPs that structure the display of the content of the Learning
Management System and Delivery servers.
Learning Management System server
The JSPs that reside on the Learning Management System server are displayed in two ways. They
either display as popups, which have little or no header and navigation information, or they
display in the adminContentPage section of the adminTemplate.jsp, which functions as a
template that formats the page content. Stepping through the source code of the adminTemplate
JSP illustrates how to perform standard JSP tasks, such as:
Defining a page as a JSP
Including tag library descriptor files
Referencing Struts tags and standard JSP actions
Including JavaScript source code
Looking at the adminTemplate.jsp source code also illustrates how the following tasks are
handled by the Learning Management System server in particular:
Localizing page text
Determining the user’s browser type and language preference
Including the JSPs that comprise the main template
You can find the full source code for the adminTemplate.jsp file in the WEB-
INF>classes>resources>lmm directory. The code below is an excerpt from this file.
Defining a page as a JSP
Chapter 5: Customizing JavaServer Pages 23