
Field Datatype Allow Nulls Values
oid CHAR(20) N nnnnnnnnnnnnnn00PERM
name VARCHAR(128) N X_Y
perm_id INTN N n
description VARCHAR(255) Y A description of what the permission
allows a user to do
category INTN Y -1 = checked method, 0 = Home, 1 =
Student Catalog, 2 = Course Catalog, 3 =
Users, 4 = Course Management, 5 =
Resources, 6 = Reports, 7 = Settings
status CHAR(1) Y A = active, I = inactive, D = delete
updatetime DATETIME Y The application supplies the date and time
the record was last changed.
By convention, values for this field end in 00PERM. The value of the perm_id field precedes the
00PERM ending. The perm_id value is preceded by as many zeros as it takes to pad the value out
to 20 characters.
A string, often with its component parts separated by underscores (see examples below), which
the application removes when it displays the permission name on the Roles Details page in the
user interface.
An integer that uniquely identifies the permission.
Text describing what the permission allows the user to do. To make the description appear in a
localized version of the application, you need create a name-value pair consisting of the
permission name (with its underscores, if any) and this description in the appropriate language’s
ApplicationResources.properties file.
An integer. Avalue of –1 designates a permission for what is called a checked method. A checked
method is a Java method belonging to the product’s API that you need permission to execute.
Checked method permissions can be contrasted with navigation permissions, that is,
permissions that allow users to access different parts of the user interface. The values between 0
and 7 represent the permission categories listed in the drop-down box on the Role Details page.
Typically, records are Active. However, if you execute a SQL DELETE statement against the
PERMISSION table, the records identified by the specified search criteria are not actually be
deleted but, rather, marked as Deleted and still remain in the database.
When a record in the PERMISSION table is changed, the LMS writes the date and time that the
change occurred to the database.
The following table contains sample records from the PERMISSION table:
68 IBM Lotus Learning Management System Release 1 Customization Guide