Function: Change the status of a transaction dump.
Description: Using the SET function, you can change
entries in the transaction dump table to request a transaction
dump. You can also set the maximum number of dumps that
can be taken. See the
CICS Problem Determination Guide
for information on using dumps.
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT SET TRDUMPCODE (the minimum abbreviation is
CEMT S TRD) with (
) or ALL. You get a display that
lists the current status, similar to that obtained by CEMT
INQUIRE TRDUMPCODE. You can then tab to the
highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the
required values.
Type CEMT SET TRDUMPCODE (CEMT S TRD) followed by one
or more attribute settings that you wish to change. For
example, cemt s trd(value) t sh specifies that a
transaction dump is to be taken for the named
transaction dump code and that the CICS system is to
shut down after the occurrence of an error
corresponding to this dump code.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line
gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect
─ ──CEMT Set TRDumpcode ──┬ ┬──(value) ──────────
─ ──┬ ┬──────────── ──┬ ┬─────────── ──────────────
├ ┤─Trandump─── ├ ┤─SYsdump───
└ ┘─NOTrandump─ └ ┘─NOSYsdump─
─ ──┬ ┬──────────── ──┬ ┬───────── ────────────────
├ ┤─SHutdown─── ├ ┤─RELated─
└ ┘─NOSHutdown─ └ ┘─Local───
─ ──┬ ┬──────────────── ──┬ ┬──────── ─
└┘──Maximum(value)├ ┤─RESet──
specifies a 4-byte transaction dump code. See the
Messages and Codes
manual for a list of transaction
dump codes.
The specified transaction dump code is to be added to
the dump code table.
specifies that any changes you request are made to all
resources of the specified type that you are authorized
to access.
A system dump request is not to be sent to other MVS
images in the sysplex which are running XCF/MRO
connected CICS regions related to the CICS region on
which the dump is initiated.
Note: A related CICS region is one in which the unit of
work identifiers, in the form of APPC tokens, of
one or more tasks match those in the CICS
region that issued the dump request.
specifies the largest number of dump calls for this dump
code that result in dumps being taken. The range is
0–999, though a value of 999 means ‘no limit’.
The CICS system is not to shut down.
A system dump is not to be taken.
A transaction dump is not to be taken.
A system dump request is to be sent to MVS images in
the sysplex which are running XCF/MRO connected
CICS regions related to the CICS region on which the
dump is initiated.
Note: A related CICS region is one in which the unit of
work identifiers, in the form of APPC tokens, of
one or more tasks match those in the CICS
region that issued the dump request.
This code is to be removed from the dump code table.
The current count of dump calls for this dump code is to
be reset to zero.
The CICS system is to shut down after the occurrence of
an error corresponding to this dump code.
A system dump is to be taken.
A transaction dump is to be taken.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 207