CETR—trace control
CETR Help: CICS Component Trace
From this panel detailed tracing levels can be set for each component.
Each level is specified by a number between one and three, the
presence of the number indicates that the level is set, the omission
of a number indicates that the level is not set.
Multiple consecutive levels are displayed as xx-yy, where xx is the
lower of the consecutive values, and yy is the higher. For example,
if 1-3 was displayed, then trace levels 1,2 and 3 would all be set.
There is more than one page of components. Function keys PF7 and PF8
can be used in the usual way to switch pages. The page may only be
switched when the displayed page contains no errors.
Changes to the level settings are automatically validated when the
current page is changed, but these levels are only set within CICS when
ENTER is pressed. Until this time it is possible to quit from the
program (PF3) without altering internal values.
PF 3=End 7=Back 8=Next ENTER=End
Figure 153. CETR transaction: Component trace HELP panel (2)
CETR Help: CICS Component Trace
The level settings may be changed by simply over-typing the existing
data and then pressing ENTER.
To set a single level enter the number. To set consecutive levels
enter the first and last levels separated by a hyphen.
Erased or blank fields will redisplay the current level settings as
known to CICS. These will be the levels set when ENTER was last pressed.
All levels may be set by entering ALL and none by entering OFF.
To provide identical level settings for more than one component:
- type the setting(s) for the first component, do not press ENTER.
- type = in fields where you want this setting duplicated.
NOTE: Although levels up to 32 may be set for most components, only
levels 1,2 and 3 are currently used.
PF 3=End 7=Back 8=Next ENTER=End
Figure 154. CETR transaction: Component trace HELP panel (3)
CETR Help: CICS Component Trace
AP . . . Application domain LD . . . Loader domain
BF . . . Built-in function LG . . . Log manager domain
BM . . . Basic Mapping Support LM . . . Lock manager
CP . . . CPI-C interface ME . . . Message domain
DC . . . Dump compatibility layer MN . . . Monitoring domain
DD . . . Directory manager NQ . . . Enqueue Manager
DI . . . Batch data interchange PA . . . Parameter manager domain
DM . . . Domain manager domain PC . . . Program control
DS . . . Dispatcher domain PG . . . Program manager domain
DU . . . Dump domain RI . . . RMI
EI . . . Exec interface RM . . . Recovery Manager
FC . . . File control SC . . . Storage control
GC . . . Global Catalog domain SM . . . Storage Manager domain
IC . . . Interval control ST . . . Statistics domain
IS . . . ISC SZ . . . Front End Prog Interface
KC . . . Task control TC . . . Terminal control
KE . . . Kernel TD . . . Transient data
LC . . . Local Catalog domain TI . . . Timer domain
PF 3=End 7=Back 8=Next ENTER=End
Figure 155. CETR transaction: Component trace HELP panel (4)
CETR Help: CICS Component Trace
TR . . . Trace domain
TS . . . Temporary storage
UE . . . User exit interface
US . . . User domain
| WB . . . Web interface
XM . . . Transaction manager
XS . . . Security domain
PF 3=End 7=Back 8=Next ENTER=End
Figure 156. CETR transaction: Component trace HELP panel (5)
CETR Help: CICS Component Trace
Key Name Function
ENTER Change Execute any Changes.
PF1 Help Display this help information.
PF3 Quit Return to main Trace Control panel.
PF7 Backward Scroll backward one page.
PF8 Forward Scroll forward one page.
PF9 Messages Display any messages created,
these can be warning
(informative) messages, or errors.
PF 3=End 7=Back ENTER=End
Figure 157. CETR transaction: Component trace HELP panel (6)
224 CICS Supplied Transactions