Inova OnTime Digital Clock Owner's Manual
All claims based on information publicly available at time of printing. All other product or service names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
© 2007 Inova Solutions. | All rights reserved. 6.12.2007 | page 12
Command Description
timezone=-5;dst=-1 8 2 2 1 1 10 2
• Sets the time server to
• Sets the time zone to Eastern Standard
Time (-5 hours from UTC)
• Enables DST for US 2007 rules.
timeserver=; timezone=0; dst= 1 -1
2 1 1 -1 9 1
• Sets the time server to IP Address
• Sets the time zone for Western
European Time
• Enables DST for EU 2007 rules.
timeserver=; showcolon=true ;
24hour = true ; timezone=-5;dst=-1 8 2 2 1 1
10 2
• Sets the time server to IP Address
• Enables the colon display and sets the
clock to 24 hour mode.
• Sets the time zone to Eastern Standard
Time (-5)
• Enables DST for US 2007 rules.
Table 4: Examples of Common DHCP Configuration Strings
Setting a Different DHCP Option Number on a Clock
You do not have to use DHCP configuration option 230 for the clocks. You can also create
custom options using a different option number. Suppose private option 230 is already in
use on your DHCP server and you want to configure your clock to use another private option
instead, for example option 231. The ipconfig command can be used to set a different DHCP
option number on the clock or to disable this feature altogether. The ipconfig command is
defined in Appendix A.
Verifying the DHCP Configuration Settings on a Clock
The dhcpconfig telnet command lists all the configuration settings that were retrieved by
the clock from the DHCP server and that are currently in effect. If an error arises while
parsing the DHCP options received from the server, the error will be shown in the
command’s output. Look on the next page for an example.