Inova OnTime Digital Clock Owner's Manual
All claims based on information publicly available at time of printing. All other product or service names mentioned in this document may be
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© 2007 Inova Solutions. | All rights reserved. 6.12.2007 | page 25
View or Configure Clock’s IP
ipconfig To view clock’s current IP settings:
ipconfig -o xxx Use DHCP to lease an IP address and request a configuration
string where xxx is the private option number. Factory default is 230.
ipconfig -o - will disable the configuration portion of the DHCP process.
ipconfig -d Use DCHP to lease an IP address and retrieve network settings.:
ipconfig -a xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -m yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -g zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address, yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy is the subnet mask, and
zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz is the gateway address. (All the information is ignored if DHCP is
enabled.) - To configure a static IP address:
ipconfig -h hostname where hostname is the new hostname. - To change the
hostname of the clock.
View current SNTP settings or
Change Time Server setting
sntp To view the current time server and other SNTP settings:
sntp -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the hostname or IP address of
the desired time server. - To change the time server the clock synchs with.
sntp -s To trigger an immediate SNTP time synchronization.
Change the Time Zone
timezone To view the clock’s current time zone setting.
timezone –N or timezone N To change the clock’s time zone setting, (don’t
use a + sign for positive values) where N = the desired time zone offset in the
range -11 to 12.
For example, to set the time zone for (GMT -5) Eastern Time (US & Canada), you
would use: timezone -5
Note: If you’re not sure what time zone offset to use, check the time zone
value used on a Windows PC on your network; double-click on the time in the
Windows service tray (in the lower-right corner of your screen) and choose the
Time Zone tab.
Specifying a Time Server
sntp –h hostname where hostname is the hostname of the time server.
Testing the Time Server
sntp -s
Verifying DHCP Configuration
dhcpconfig Lists the option settings received from a DHCP server (for
verification purposes only).
Display all Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) cache entries