Vol. 3 6-41
Interrupt 9—Coprocessor Segment Overrun
Exception Class Abort. (Intel reserved; do not use. Recent IA-32 processors
do not generate this exception.)
Indicates that an Intel386 CPU-based systems with an Intel 387 math coprocessor
detected a page or segment violation while transferring the middle portion of an
Intel 387 math coprocessor operand. The P6 family, Pentium, and Intel486 proces-
sors do not generate this exception; instead, this condition is detected with a general
protection exception (#GP), interrupt 13.
Exception Error Code
Saved Instruction Pointer
The saved contents of CS and EIP registers point to the instruction that generated the
Program State Change
A program-state following a coprocessor segment-overrun exception is unde-
fined. The program or task cannot be resumed or restarted. The only available action
of the exception handler is to save the instruction pointer and reinitialize the x87 FPU
using the FNINIT instruction.