11-34 Vol. 3
memory. When this flag is set, the FE flag can disable the fixed-range MTRRs;
when the flag is clear, the FE flag has no affect. When the E flag is set, the type
specified in the default memory type field is used for areas of memory not
already mapped by either a fixed or variable MTRR.
Bits 8 and 9, and bits 12 through 63, in the IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE MSR are
reserved; the processor generates a general-protection exception (#GP) if software
attempts to write nonzero values to them. Fixed Range MTRRs
The fixed memory ranges are mapped with 11 fixed-range registers of 64 bits each.
Each of these registers is divided into 8-bit fields that are used to specify the memory
type for each of the sub-ranges the register controls:
• Register IA32_MTRR_FIX64K_00000 — Maps the 512-KByte address range
from 0H to 7FFFFH. This range is divided into eight 64-KByte sub-ranges.
• Registers IA32_MTRR_FIX16K_80000 and IA32_MTRR_FIX16K_A0000
— Maps the two 128-KByte address ranges from 80000H to BFFFFH. This range
is divided into sixteen 16-KByte sub-ranges, 8 ranges per register.
• Registers IA32_MTRR_FIX4K_C0000 through
IA32_MTRR_FIX4K_F8000 — Maps eight 32-KByte address ranges from
C0000H to FFFFFH. This range is divided into sixty-four 4-KByte sub-ranges, 8
ranges per register.
Table 11-9 shows the relationship between the fixed physical-address ranges and the
corresponding fields of the fixed-range MTRRs; Table 11-8 shows memory type
encoding for MTRRs.
For the P6 family processors, the prefix for the fixed range MTRRs is MTRRfix. Variable Range MTRRs
The Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, and P6 family processors permit software to specify the
memory type for eight variable-size address ranges, using a pair of MTRRs for each
range. The first entry in each pair (IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASEn) defines the base
address and memory type for the range; the second entry
(IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASKn) contains a mask used to determine the address range.
The “n” suffix indicates register pairs 0 through 7.
For P6 family processors, the prefixes for these variable range MTRRs are MTRRphys-
Base and MTRRphysMask.