10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual 141
Wake-up Functionality
A.3.1 Auxiliary Power Support
The LISTAT signal should be 0 after a hardware reset. For WOL mode, the default value after
power up reset (ALTRST# is asserted) of the PME enable and status bits are:
PME_Enable = 1 (wake up is enabled)
PME_status = 0 (no wake-up event)
Since the OS/BIOS expect unknown values in these bits after power up, they will clear both bits
using PCI configuration command. If WOL mode is enabled, the device will wake up the system
when it receives a Magic Packet* after power up without any need for software interaction.
A.3.2 Auxiliary Power Non-support
If the system does not support and auxiliary power source, LISTAT is floating after a hardware
reset. In this case wake up from D3
is not supported. Both the PME enable and status bits
should equal 0 after any hardware reset. To enable the WOL functionality, the PME enable bit is
bypassed if WOL mode is enabled and auxiliary power indication is not active (same as 82558A).
The table below summarizes the PME enable and status bits default values and properties in
different configurations.
NOTE: When the WOL bit in the EEPROM is set and auxiliary power is not supported, the PME enable bit is
always ignored regardless of the wake-up event type.
A.4 Fixed Packet Filtering
Fixed packet filtering includes the wake up capabilities implemented in the hardware with a pre-
defined fixed pattern. It includes Address Match packets, Magic Packets, and ARP packets. The
device filters all incoming frames, monitoring for one of the packet types mentioned, regardless of
the power state. Each fixed filter can be enabled using the configuration command. When the
corresponding filter bit is enabled, the device asserts PME# for frames passing the filter with a
correct CRC value. This filtering mechanism is active when power is supplied to the device with or
without an active clock on the PCI bus.
Any packet that passes address filtering is transferred to the internal micromachine. The
micromachine may store or further analyze the packet if the following conditions are met:
• Loadable microcode for analyzing and storing the packet in the micromachine resources is
• The clock signal is active on the PCI CLK pin. This may be the PCI bus clock or any other
clock generated by an external clock switching circuitry.
Auxiliary Power
(indicated by
WOL bit
PME Enable
PME Status
RST# clears
bits to 0?
PME Enable
bypassed on
wake-up event?
No 0 0 0 Yes No
No 1 0 0 Yes Yes
Yes X 1 0 No No