Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual 1
Introduction 1
This document is intended for use as a software technical reference manual for the Intel
Mbps Fast Ethernet controller family, which includes the 82557, 82558, 82559, 82550, and 82551,
as well as the 82562 Platform LAN Connect device. It also contains information for several PCI
LAN adapters based on these devices: Intel
PRO/100+, Intel
PRO/100B Wake on LAN (WOL), Intel
PRO/100B, and Intel
1.1 Scope
This manual is intended to be used as a technical reference for software and test engineers
developing device drivers or related software for adapters or systems using the Intel
82558, 82559, 82550, or 82551 Fast Ethernet controllers or the Intel
82562 Platform LAN
Connect (PLC) device. It contains reference information about the controllers as well as other
information that may be required by software developers (such as PHY information, EEPROM
contents, PCI scanning, etc.). Since this document uses many examples and contains sample code
fragments, it is assumed that the reader has a fundamental understanding of device driver
programming and a working knowledge of both C programming language and x86 assembler
programming language. Familiarity with at least one industry standard network operating system
(NOS) device driver interface (for example, Network Driver Interface Specification [NDIS] or
ODI) is also helpful.
The Intel
10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller Family includes the following devices in
successive order.
In general, the Intel family of Fast Ethernet controllers are similar. All family members share the
same core hardware and software interface. The later generation components have a higher
integration and include support for miscellaneous features (for example, manageability). Since the
different generations of Fast Ethernet controllers are highly similar, this manual documents the
functionality of all devices and details the differences between the devices. It is intended to be used
as a tool to maintain and develop software for all devices in the Intel family of Fast Ethernet
Device Notes
82557 First generation Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes MAC unit only)
Second generation Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes MAC and an integrated
PHY unit)
82559 Third generation Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes both a MAC and PHY unit)
82550 Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes both MAC and PHY)
82551 Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes both MAC and PHY)