Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 13
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
3.2 Driver Files
The display driver and TV encoder DLLs must be included in the Windows CE image. To do this, make sure either
Platform.bib or Project.bib includes statements for the display driver DLL and the TV encoder DLL. A Direct3D
Mobile implementation module can be included optionally
For example, to configure the display driver and the Focus FS454 DLL:
ddi_iceg.dll $(INTELCEG_DRIVERS_DIR)\display\i854\ddi_iceg.dll NK SH
fs454.dll $(INTELCEG_DRIVERS_DIR)\display\i854\fs454.dll NK SH
To configure the Direct 3D module add:
gdld3dm.dll $(INTELCEG_DRIVERS_DIR)\display\i854\gdld3dm.dll NK SH
3.3 Registry Options
The MSI installs a configuration file that contains registry options. If you wish to keep this file separated, please
make sure this file is included in either Platform.reg or Project.reg. For example:
#include "$(INTELCEG_DRIVERS_DIR)\Display\I854\video.reg"
It is also possible to copy the contents of this fileinto the end of Platform.reg or Project.reg.
The registry settings in video.reg must be modified to configure the display driver and TV Encoder DLL to use on
the target platform.