Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 5
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
Revision History
Date Driver Description
May 2005 1-0-0-0064 This is the first version of the new guide. The content and layout are all new.
18 May 2005 Updated after technical review.
July 2005 Added hardware-accelerated bob support for overlay surfaces with
interleaved data using DirectDraw.
Added new samples (BobTest, CapsTest, PerPixelAlphaBltTest, VBITest).
December 2005 1-0-0-0092 Updated escape interface for HDMI Hotplug and HDMI/siI9030 over scan
flag. Added new sample (ClipBltTest).
Added overlay formats that support progressive and interleaved data, and
noted YUV 4:2:0 planar limitation for 830 and 854.
January 2006 1-0-0-0094 Removed the content for 815.
Added details of DAC configuration for different TV out type for CX25899 in
HH2 TV card.