IXP400 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Software Version 2.5
Configuration and Initialization
38 API Reference Manual
8.0 Configuration and Initialization
The Intel
IXP400 DSP Software is configurable at initialization time, allowing the user to specify
the HSS parameters, the number of resource instances to be created and the country-specific fea-
tures. The user-supplied call back functions are also registered at that time.
8.1 System Configuration
This function performs the following procedures:
• Initialize and start HSS port
• Create TDM termination channels (i.e., Network Endpoint resource instance) and link them to
the HSS time slots sequentially. Error will occur if not enough time slots are enabled for all the
TDM channels
• Create the IP terminations (i.e., Decoder, Encoder, Tone Generator and Tone Detector
• Create media service resources (i.e., Player and Mixer)
• Enable country-specific call progress tones and set country-specific default parameters to the
• Register user-supplied call back functions
void xDspSysInit(XDSPSysConfig_t *pSysConfig);
Input pSysConfig – System configuration information
Output None
Return None