IXP400 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Software Version 2.5
API Reference Manual 7
1.0 Introduction
The Intel
IXP400 DSP Software v2.5 is a software module that provides the basic voice processing
functionalities for VoIP residential gateway applications. It can be viewed as a completed media pro-
cessing layer with control and data interfaces as its API.
This document defines the API specifications.
1.1 General
The Intel
IXP400 DSP Software is a software module for media processing, targeted for next gen-
eration IADs such as Consumer Premise Equipment (CPE), specifically, to perform audio encoding/
decoding, echo cancellation, tone processing and jitter control, etc., as required in any IP media gate-
way or real-time media streaming functionalities.
This document is intended to describe the control and data interfaces in order for a third party de-
veloper to incorporate the module into a media gateway or server system. It provides sufficient de-
tails of the interfaces so that the user can fully configure and control the operations and services.
It additionally describes the data interface and format as well as message and data delivery mecha-
1.2 Scope
The interface of DSP software is a set of functions, macros, and message and packet formats that
determines how the applications access the media processing resource components.
1.3 Audience
This document is intended for the following audiences:
• Firmware engineers who are responsible for the development of DSP Resources
• Third party software engineers who are building a gateway or server application
• System architects and engineers
• Project development managers
1.4 Acronyms
AGC Automatic Gain Control for voice data towards IP network
ALC Automatic Level Control
CPE Consumer Premise Equipment
EC Echo Cancellation
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
IP Internet Protocol
ISR Interrupt Service Routine