Page 60 of 73
516 Your current transfer method is announce
517 To select unannounced transfers, press 1.
518 For screened transfers, press 2.
519 For announce only, press 3.
520 Who should I say is calling?
521 To replay the announcement, press 1.
522 To send this call to voice mail, press 2.
523 To forward this call to another extension,
press 3.
524 To accept this call, press POUND.
525 To refuse this call, press STAR.
526 You have a call from...
535 Please enter the extension number.
536 Time updated.
537 Date updated.
538 For system prompt replacement or reinstate-
ment, press 6.
539 Please enter the number of the system
540 The system prompt has been replaced by
the following custom prompt...
541 The original system prompt is...
542 To replace this system prompt with a cus-
tom prompt, press 3.
543 ...is not a valid system prompt number.
544 To delete the custom prompt and reinstate
the system prompt, press 9.
545 To replace this custom prompt with a new
custom prompt, press 3.
Digital Keyset Enhancements
The Executive, Standard, and Basic Digital Keysets
have the following enhancements:
The Executive, Standard, and Basic Digital Key-
sets are now available with red/green LEDs. These
new keysets have a slightly different faceplate lay-
out than the previous versions. The new layouts
and key values are shown on the next page. In the
4.0 software version, the FWD, SPKR, MUTE, and
MSG keys were fixed-function keys and could not
be programmed. In version 4.2 and 4.3 software,
all keyset keys are programmable. (See pages
4–49, 6-54, and 6–59 in the manual for a list of de-
fault key values.)
The red/green LED functions are described in
more detail in the LED chart shown on page 62.
This replaces the chart on page 4–51 of the manu-
On these new keysets, an illustration on the key
(that looks like this
) represents
higher and lower volume levels. Press the lower
end in place of the down arrow and the higher end
in place of the up arrow.
The new red/green LED keysets also have a differ-
ent keycap on the Special Key; instead of
the keys have
on the keycap.
The new red/green LED Standard and Basic key-
sets also have an extended volume range. The vol-
ume settings now range from 1 to 7, with db levels
of –12, –8, –4, 0, +4, +8, and +12 respectively. The
Executive keyset volume range is unchanged, with
settings from 1–8 (db levels of –12, –8, –4, 0, +3,
+6, +9, and +12 respectively).
The red/green LED Executive keysets do not have
the six display-oriented keys (PREVIOUS, NEXT,
Standard Digital Keysets are now available as dis-
play models only.
Only digital keysets can be used for viewing Japa-
nese prompts. Analog keysets do not support Japa-
nese displays.