Page 71 of 73
key to enable the option. Or, press 2 or the NO
menu key to disable it. Then press # or ACCEPT
to continue.
— Subject to toll restriction: To program the trunk
group Subject to Toll Restriction option, press 4
or the SUBJECT TO TOLL menu key. When
the display shows SUBJECT TO TOLL, press 1
or the YES menu key to enable the option. Or,
press 2 or the NO menu key to disable it. Then
press # or ACCEPT to continue.
Page 4–131, Trunk List programming instructions:
In the last substep, the display should be ENTER
Page 4–140, paragraph 41.9: The Record All Incom-
ing Calls option should say: Records all incoming calls
that are answered, except DID/DNIS calls.
Page 4–142 DIALED DIGITS: Add this information:
If ARS was used to place the call, the modified tele-
phone number, not the dialed digits, are shown.
Page 5–34, paragraph 9.5: The paragraph should read
as follows: If desired, the SMDR records can be re-
trieved and processed using Inter-Tel Inside Track, a
separate call accounting software package, to create
customized reports.
Page 6–4, section 28: Add the following entries to sec-
tion 28 of the table of contents.
G. System Serial Port Assignment 6–265...
H. System Serial Port Configuration 6–267.
I. T1 Diagnostics 6–269................
Page 6–44, paragraph 9.82, first bullet: The fifth sen-
tence should say: COS designations 2–16 are program-
Page 6–47, paragraph 9.90: The first sentence should
say: The Voice Mail Information window is shown on
the next page.
Page 6–47, paragraph 9.91, first bullet: There is not a
“None” option when programming a Record-A-Call
Mailbox. Therefore, the correct information is as fol-
Record-A-Call Mailbox and User Keyed Mail-
box: Determine which mailbox, if any, will be
dialed automatically when the Record-A-Call fea-
ture is used. The Record-A-Call Mailbox can be
set to “Associated Mailbox” to call the mailbox
assigned to that station, or it can be set to any valid
mailbox number. If you do not want a mailbox
number dialed automatically when the Record-A-
Call feature is used at this station, enable the User
Keyed Mailbox flag. This overrides the automatic
entry and allows the station user to enter the de-
sired mailbox number. The operation of the feature
is determined by the programmed combination of
these flags, as shown in the chart at the bottom of
the page.
Page 6–86, last bullet: The first sentence should be:
Prepare a list of up to 75 hunt groups and the stations/
extension lists to be included in them.
Page 6–93, paragraph 11.92: The database allows up
to 15 “local” area codes (not three, as stated).
Page 6–102, paragraph 11.114: The first sentence
should say: Up to 200 unique forwarding paths
(001–200) can be programmed.
Page 6–114, Voice Mail Dial Delay Timer: This timer
is for analog voice mail hunt groups only.
Page 6–158, paragraph 17.4: The third sentence
should be: Enter the desired rate in the text box (0.00 to
99.99) and select the OK command button.
Page 6–159, paragraph 17.9: The Record All Incom-
ing Calls flag should say: Selecting this check box in-
cludes all incoming calls, except DID/DNIS calls, in
the SMDR report.
Page 6–162, paragraph 18.3: The screen used for pro-
gramming the AXXESSORY Talk communication
port has changed. The correct information is: AXXES-
SORY Talk programming cannot be performed until an
AXXESSORY Talk communications port has been es-
tablished in the System Serial Port Assignment pro-
gramming window (shown on page 6–265).
“Associated” or mailbox
Disabled The Record-A-Call Mailbox is automatically called
when the feature code is entered.
“Associated” or mailbox
Enabled The user is prompted to enter the desired mailbox
number after the Record-A-Call feature code is en-
tered. If a number is not entered before the dialing
timer expires, the programmed Record-A-Call Mail-
box number is dialed automatically.