• Preheating is not necessary.
• Foropenpan roasting,place meator poultryonthe slottedportionof thetwo-piece
pan includedwiththe oven. Do notadd watertothe pan. Use openpan roasting
fortendercutsof meat. Lesstendercutsof meat needtobe cookedby moistheat
in a coveredpan.
• For best results,a meat thermometeris the mostaccurateguide to degree of
doneneas. The tip of the thermometershouldbe locatedinthe thickestpart of a
roast, nottouchingfat, bone, or gristle. For turkeysand largepoultry products,
insertthe tipof the thermometerintothe thickestpart of the innerthigh.
• Placeroastfat sideup toallow self bastingofmeat duringmasting.
• Sincemeats continueto cookafter being removedfrom the oven, removeroast
from oven when it reaches an internal temperature about 5 degrees below the
• For less lossof juicesand easiercarving,allowabout15 minutes"standingtime"
after removingmeat from oven.
• Forbestresultsinroastingpoultry,thawcompletely.Duetothestructureofpoultry,
partiallythawedpoultrywillcook unevenly.
• If preferred, tender cuts of meat can be roasted in the conventionalbake oven by
following the general recommendations given above. However, meats will roast
more quickly in the convect oven using Convert Roast.
• Conventional bake is best for less tender cuts of meat that requirea longer, moist
heat method ofcooking. Followyour recipe for times andtemperatures for covered
• Meatscookedinovencookingbags, dutchovens, orcoveredroastingpansarebest
cooked in the conventional bake oven usingthe Bake Pad.
• Use meat roasting charts in standard cookbooks for recommended times and
temperatures for roasting in a conventional bake oven.