
If oven doe• not heat:
the ovencontrolsmay be set incorrectly.
clockcontrolsmay be set for delayedstartof oven.
If the oven light doe not work:
the lightbulbis looseor defective.
oven lightdoes notwork duringself-cleaningprocess,
If oven will not go through self.cleaning process:
controlsmay be improperlyset.
check the clock controlledsettingsand the currenttime of day on the clock.
If oven did not clean properly:
oven may need longercleaningtime.
excessivespills were not removed prior to self-cleaning process.
If oven door will not unlock:
oven may nothave cooledto safe temperatureafter self-cleaningprocess.
electriccurrent coming into the oven may be off.
If foods do not broil properly:
the ovencontrolsmay notbe set properly.
check rack position,
voltage into house may be low.
If baked food is burned or too brown on top:
a food maybe positionedincorrectlyin oven.
oven notpreheatedproperly.
If foods bake unevenly:
the range may be installedimproperly.
checkthe oven rackwitha level.
staggerpans, do not allowpansto toucheach other or ovenwall.
check instructionsfor suggestedplacementof panson oven rack.
If oven baking results are less than expected:
the pans being used may not be of the size or material recommendedfor best
there maynotbe sufficientroomaroundsidesofthe pansforproperair circulation
in the oven.
checkinstructionsfor preheating,rack positionand oven temperature.
ovenvent may have been blockedor covered.