
Main Screen
When you select the RFS 3600 Film Scanner Host Software from the ADOBE
PHOTOSHOP Import sub-menu, the Main Screen and Settings tab will appear. Figure 1
is similar to how the main screen will look when the software is started and a filmstrip is in
the scanner. All new software features that have been created since the Version 1.00
Host Software will be discussed in this addendum. To obtain further information regarding
all other software features, see the User’s Manual on the Host Software CD or download a
PDF file copy from www.kodak.com.
Figure 1, Main Screen
Changes to the Host Software Main Screen include moving the Scan Profile function to a
new location, a re-grouping of the film scan function icons (see Scan Icons) and the
addition of new icons and buttons in the lower right corner of the screen (see Scan All,
DMin Cal, Light Cal, Resize Window).