04: Reverb-Hall
04: Reverb-Hall
This is a hall-type reverberation. Setting the four types of early reflections individually allows you to sim-
ulate the sound reflections on the front, rear, left, and right walls of a room, creating a more realistic
reverb sound. You can also adjust the width of the stereo image of the reverb sound.
05: Reverb-Smooth Hall
This is a hall-type reverberation with a smooth release. Setting the four types of early reflections individ-
ually allows you to add effective ambience to the sound. You can also adjust the width of the stereo image
of the reverb sound.
06: Reverb-Wet Plate
This effect simulates a dense plate reverberation. Setting the four types of early reflections individually
allows you to add effective ambience to the sound. You can also adjust the width of the stereo image of
the reverb sound.
07: Reverb-Dry Plate
This is a light, plate reverberation. Setting the four types of early reflections individually allows you to
add effective ambience to the sound. You can also adjust the width of the stereo image of the reverb
a Reverb Time [sec] 0.1…10.0sec Sets the reverberation time.
b High Damp [%] 0…100% Damping amount in the high range.
Pre Delay [msec] 0…200msec Delay time from the dry sound
Pre Delay Thru 0…30 Mix ratio of non-delay sound
EQ Trim 0…30 EQ input level
LEQ [dB] –15…+15dB Low-EQ gain
HEQ [dB] –15…+15dB High-EQ gain
ER1 Delay [msec] 0…200msec Delay time of early reflection 1
Level 0…30 Early reflection 1 output level
Pan L, 1, 2, CNT, 4, 5, R Stereo image of early reflection 1
ER2 Delay [msec] 0…200msec Delay time of early reflection 2
Level 0…30 Early reflection 2 output level
Pan L, 1, 2, CNT, 4, 5, R Stereo image of early reflection 2
ER3 Delay [msec] 0…200msec Delay time of early reflection 3
Level 0…30 Early reflection 3 output level
Pan L, 1, 2, CNT, 4, 5, R Stereo image of early reflection 3
ER4 Delay [msec] 0…200msec Delay time of early reflection 4
Level 0…30 Early reflection 4 output level
Pan L, 1, 2, CNT, 4, 5, R Stereo image of early reflection 4
i Spread 0…30
Sets the width of the stereo image of the reverb sound
(excluding early reflections)
Output Level 0…100 Output level of effect sound
Src None…Tempo Modulation source of output level
Amt –100…+100 Modulation amount of output level