22: Resonator
22: Resonator
This effect resonates the input signal at a specified pitch. For example, the Resonator will add a unique
character to a string sound by emphasizing certain harmonics, or give a “pitch” to a drum sound. You can
control the resonance intensity via an LFO.
a Contol Mode Manual, LFO Switches the control of resonance intensity. ☞P.39
b LFO Frequency [Hz] 0.02…20.00Hz LFO speed
c LFO Depth –100…100 Amount of resonance intensity control via LFO
dTrim 0…100 Input level to the Resonator
e Pitch C0…B8 Pitch for resonance
f Fine [cent] –50…+50cent Fine adjustment of pitch for resonance
g Resonance –100…+100
Sets the intensity of resonance when Control Mode =
h High Damp [%] 0…100%
Damping amount of resonant sound in the high range
Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds.
Src None…Tempo Modulation source of effect balance
Amt –100…+100 Modulation amount of effect balance
a: Contol Mode
g: Resonance
This parameter determines whether the resonance intensity is controlled by an
LFO or not.
With Control Mode = Manual, the Resonance parameter sets the intensity of res-
onance. If the Resonance parameter has a negative value, harmonics will be
changed, and resonance will occur at a pitch one octave below.
With Control Mode = LFO, the intensity of resonance varies according to the
LFO. The LFO sways between positive and negative values, causing resonance
to occur between specified pitches an octave apart in turn.
e: Pitch
f: Fine [cent]
The Pitch parameter specifies the pitch of resonance by note name. The Fine
parameter allows for fine adjustment in steps of cents.
h: High Damp [%] This parameter sets the damping amount of resonant sound in the high range.
Lower values will make a metallic sound with a higher range of harmonics.
Wet / Dry
Mono In - Mono Out
High Damp
Control Mode
Pitch, Fine [cent]