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7.3 By Linux OS
In addition to Microsoft and MAC OS, GNS-8000B also supports Linux systems
through the NFS service:
1. On Linux, run the following command:
mount -t nfs <GNS-8000B IP address>:/<Network Share Name>
<Directory to Mount>
For example, if the IP address of your GNS-8000B is and you
want to link the network share folder “public” under the /mnt/pub directory,
use the following command:
mount -t nfs /mnt/pub
Note: You must login as “root” user to initiate the above command.
2. Login as the user id you define, you can use the mounted directory to access
your network share files.
7.4 By Web Browser
Other than OS support, your GNS-8000B also provides a convenient web file
management interface that allows using a standard web browser to access your
data. If you link GNS-8000B to the Internet and use a public IP address, you can
access the files on the server anywhere. For more information, please refer to
Appendix A.