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Appendix C Messages of Hard Disk and Disk
Configuration Status
Hard Disk
English Display Status Description
Ready The hard disk status is normal
No disk No disk currently
Disk tray is not installed or there is main board
error. Users can check disk tray. If there is main
board error, please contact LEVELONE customer
Invalid Indicates the disk does not have a record on GNS-
The disk is used on GNS-8000B the first time, or
the disk on the same GNS-8000B model is used.
Users can re-configure disk volume.
R/W error Disk fails
When R/W error is shown, users should back up
data immediately and replace the failed disk.
Disk Configuration/ RAID Configuration
English Display Status Description
Initializing Initializing disk
Formatting Formatting disk
Creating Creating RAID configuration
Removing Removing RAID configuration
Rebuilding Rebuilding RAID configuration
Checking Error checking on hard disk or disk configuration in
GNS-8000B will check disk automatically if it is
shut down improperly