Daft 2000/12/04
Error Messages and Their Meanings
Error Messages and Their Meanings
If there is an error, one of the following messages may appear on the display. It
might just flash briefly, so if you are watching for errors, stay by the machine and
check the display.
Message Problem and Solution
Reset originals and press Start. Original jammed during Memory Transmis-
sion. Reset originals that have not been
Error. Transmission has been cancelled. A document jam occurred during Immediate
Transmission. Press
and re-send the page
which has been not sent.
An error occurred during Immediate Trans-
mission. Press
and re-send the original.
There may be a problem with the machine
or the telephone line (for example noise or
cross talk). If the error re-occurs frequently,
contact your service representative.
Cannot detect original size. Reset original(s)
and press Start key.
The machine failed to detect the size of the
original. Reset originals and press the
Service call
Functional problem with the fax. Please con-
tact your service representative.
There is a problem with the fax function.
Record the code number shown in the display
and contact your service representative. The
copier function will still work normally.
Memory is full. Cannot store additional origi-
nals. (Stored original(s) will be transmitted.)
If you press
, the machine returns to the
standby mode and starts transmitting pages
which has been scanned.